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This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google There are currently no products Customers will first select the desired products and add them to the cart with the promotions code at present time. Then, the customers will choose a payment method according to the instructions in the form of wire transfer or via e-wallet .For products that are out of stock, customers can place in an order form, the delivery time for ordered product is about 1.5 months with an order deposit of 50% of the product value.If problems occur, please contact Beriche via Whatsapp . This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google let recaptchaElm=document.getElementById;let recaptchaForm=recaptchaElm.parentNode;recaptchaForm.addEventListener{if{formEvent.preventDefault;grecaptcha.ready{grecaptcha.execute.then{recaptchaElm.value=token;recaptchaForm.requestSubmit})})}})