50 years of Duc Lap victory, precursor to Central Highlands campaign triumph

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50 years of Duc Lap victory, precursor to Central Highlands campaign triumph

Monday, March 10, 2025 | 9:37:44

-The 50th anniversary of Duc Lap liberation, the opening event of the 1975 Central Highlands campaign, was celebrated on Sunday evening in the Dak Mil border district, the central highlands province of Dak Nong.

TheDuc Lapvictory has great significance as the opening victory of the Central Highlands campaign. Photo: VOV

In his address at the ceremony, Ngo Thanh Danh, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee said that the Duc Lap victory left valuable lessons about the leadership role of the Party, the solidarity between the army and the people, the coordination between the three types of troops, who are main forces, local troops and militia and guerrillas, plus agitation and propaganda among enemy troops as well as logistics to serve the combat.

The victory is dubbed as the precursor to the successful end of Central Highlands campaign and creating a strategic opportunity to carry out the historic Ho Chi Minh campaign which liberated the South and unified the country on April 30, 1975.“The 50th anniversary of Duc Lap Liberation Day is an opportunity for us to review the great historical significance of Duc Lap Victory, to pay tribute to and honor the heroic martyrs, wounded soldiers, veterans, and compatriots who sacrificed their lives for the cause of national liberation,”Danh said.

Tag、VOV VOVworld 50 years Duc Lap victory precursor Central Highlands campaign triumph

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